About Murder Mystery 2:

Murder Mystery 2 sees you step into the shoes of rookie Cassandra Clarke as she’s teamed up with reluctant detective Nate Hutson at the Detective Crime Agency (DCA). You’ll collect evidence at a variety of crime scenes and use your mind-board to piece together what happened. You have eight cases to solve, each with five areas while trying to see how they’re connected. The graphics are fairly plain and boring. The models all have a weird deformed look to them, and it doesn’t work. Cassandra has an afro that’s easily twice the size of her head, and Nate looks around twenty despite the fact he’s supposed to be a burnt-out veteran, in addition the character animations are laughable. There are no mouth movements, so they just nod their heads to try to signify them talking, and they don’t even look at each other properly during conversations. No effort seems to have been put in to make it look like two people talking to each other. Outside of this, there’s a really small amount of animations and stances programmed into the game, so you’re often met with the ridiculous sight of the two leads entering the scene and striking the same pose like they’ve arrived on a catwalk rather than a murder scene. Speaking of scenes, each of the areas is tiny and almost completely devoid of any sort of detail that would make it stand out. They’re just as bland and generic as the characters. There’s only one thing to say about the sound design: there isn’t any. This is by far the quietest game I’ve ever played. There’s no music except for the one track in the intro cutscene that gets replayed before every case starts. There’s no voice acting – a real shame, as it would have helped out the terrible writing – and barely any sound effects. This is a game that will have you checking your speakers to make sure they’re still working. I’m quite surprised at the laziness in regards to the audio. They’re going for an atmospheric, noir tone, and good audio production is pivotal to setting that up. Without it, it’s impossible to create the tension or intrigue you need to rope the player in.

How to run Murder Mystery 2 roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat